
The source code for EMUstack is hosted here on Github. Please download the latest release from here.

EMUstack has been developed on Ubuntu and is easiest to install on this platform. Simply ‘sudo apt-get install’ the packages listed in the dependencies.txt file and then run

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -y install <dependencies>
$ /

UPDATE: the current version of SuiteSparse is not fully compatible with 64 bit Linux... a solution to this is to backport SuiteSparse 3.4 from Ubuntu 12.04 using the method described here. Alternatively the pre-compiled libraries have been shown to work on Ubuntu 14.04

On other linux distributions either use the pre-compiled libraries of install them from the package manager or manually.

All that is required to use the pre-compiled libraries is to switch to a slightly modified Makefile and then run

$ cd backend/fortran/
$ mv Makefile Makefile_ubuntu
$ mv Makefile-pre_compiled_libs Makefile
$ cd ../../
$ /

The Fortran components (EMUstack source code and libraries) have been successfully compiled with intel’s ifortran as well as open-source gfortran. In this documentation we use gfortran.

NOTE: different versions of gmsh can give errors in the final test. This is okay, provided the test simulation ran, i.e. the test gives E rather than F.


The FEM routine used in EMUstack makes use of the highly optimised UMFPACK (Unsymmetric MultiFrontal Package) direct solver for sparse matrices developed by Prof. Timothy A. Davis. This is distributed as part of the SuiteSparse libraries under a GPL license. It can be downloaded from

This is the process I followed in my installations. They are provided as little more than tips...

Unpack SuiteSparse into EMUstack/backend/fortran/, it should create a directory there; SuiteSparse/ Make a directory where you want SuiteSparse installed, in my case SS_installed

$ mkdir SS_installed/

edit SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/ for consistency across the whole build; i.e. if using intel fortran compiler

line 75 F77 = gfortran --> ifort

set path to install folder:

line 85 INSTALL_LIB = /$Path_to_EMustack/EMUstack/backend/fortran/SS_install/lib
line 86 INSTALL_INCLUDE = /$Path_to_EMustack/EMUstack/backend/fortran/SS_install/include

line 290ish commenting out all other references to these:

F77 = ifort
CC = icc
BLAS   = -L/apps/intel-ct/ -lmkl_rt
LAPACK = -L/apps/intel-ct/ -lmkl_rt

Now make new directories for the paths you gave 2 steps back:

$ mkdir SS_installed/lib SS_installed/include

Download metis-4.0 and unpack metis into SuiteSparse/ Now move to the metis directory:

$ cd SuiteSparse/metis-4.0

Optionally edit metis-4.0/ as per SuiteSparse/README.txt plus with -fPIC:

CC = gcc
CC = icc

Now make metis (still in SuiteSparse/metis-4.0/):

$ make

Now move back to EMUstack/backend/fortran/

$ cp SuiteSparse/metis-4.0/libmetis.a SS_install/lib/

and then move to SuiteSparse/ and execute the following:

$ make library
$ make install
$ cd SuiteSparse/UMFPACK/Demo
$ make fortran64
$ cp SuiteSparse/UMFPACK/Demo/umf4_f77zwrapper64.o into SS_install/lib/

Copy the libraries into EMUstack/backend/fortran/Lib/ so that EMUstack/ is a complete package that can be moved across machine without alteration. This will override the pre-compiled libraries from the release (you may wish to save these somewhere).:

$ cp SS_install/lib/*.a EMUstack/backend/fortran/Lib/
$ cp SS_install/lib/umf4_f77zwrapper64.o EMUstack/backend/fortran/Lib/

EMUstack Makefile

Edit EMUstack/backend/fortran/Makefile to reflect what compiler you are using and how you installed the libraries. The Makefile has further details.

Then finally run the script!